Experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics research group
at Bilkent University


Prof. Aybas was an invited speaker at the “Turkish Physical Society’s \(39^{th}\)meeting” in Bodrum, Turkey on August 2023.

Prof. Aybas was an invited speaker at the “Quantum Optics and Information Meeting KOBIT \(\ket{7}\)” in Eskisehir, Turkey on February 2023.

Prof. Aybas was an invited lecturer at the “Ultralight Dark Matter - Scientific foundations and experimental searches” Summer School in Bad Honnef, Germany on August 2022.


Quantum Magnetic Sensors for Axion Dark Matter Search

We are building a precision optical magnetometer based on quantum sensors to search for a possible effectively magnetic signature from an axion particle as a candidate for the dark matter.

This research is funded by the TÜBİTAK 2232-B International Young Researchers Program. Project title: "Searching for new particles with laboratory-scale experiments using quantum magnetic sensors", funded from December 2023 to December 2026, total budget: 4,905,000 TL.

Zero-field NMR with Optical Magnetometers

We are building an optical magnetometer that works at room temperature under zero external magnetic field to measure Nuclear Magnetic Resonance signal from various chemical samples.

A must-read article on how to do research, by Steven Weinberg: "Four golden lessons"



Group Leader: Prof. Aybas

Deniz Aybaş Tümtürk is an Assistant Professor of Physics at Bilkent University. Prior to joining Bilkent, she was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley for two years. She received her PhD in Electrical Engineering from Boston University in 2021, where she was a Research Assistant in the Physics Department for seven years. She had received her BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a minor in Physics from Middle East Technical University in 2014.

Prof. Aybas is elected as the International Affairs Officer at the Forum for Early Career Scientists (FECS) of American Physical Society (APS). She is in office from 2024 to 2027.

Mailing address: Room SA-224, Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey 06800
Google Scholar

Group Members

Silvana Abi Mershed
MS student

Silvana has a BS in Physics from the Lebanese University. She is currently a Masters student at the Physics Department. She is specializing in quantum magnetometry. She worked as a physics teacher teaching IB physics, AP physics and tutoring IGCSE physics for 4 years. She enjoys stargazing and listening to music.

Ahmed Alzaidi
MS student

Sara Dinçoğlu
MS student

İdil Gözel

Gökalp Elaçmaz

Past Members

Bahar Öztürk '24, Senior Thesis → Graduate student at ✨
Asaf Toprakçı '24, Senior Thesis → Graduate student at ✨


Fall 2023, Spring 2024: PHYS 101 General Physics 1


October 2023: Prof. Aybas gave a talk on her research and her life as a scientist to an audience of (mostly) undergraduate students at Bilkent University, invited by the University's Society of Scientific Communication (Bilimsel İletişim Topluluğu).

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